Parent Circle with Helle Heckmann

Parent Circle with Helle Heckmann
11/8/2017, 1:30 PM 3:30 PM

Slow Parenting: Caring for Children with Intention

Early childhood happens only once. It is precious. Whatever happens in these first years cannot be repeated in the same way later on. Helle Heckmann recognizes this. Slow Parenting helps us in honoring and respecting the being of the little child, allowing unhurried time for development, and allowing time to enjoy the gradual and miraculous unfolding of the human being. 

We can develop new conscious intention in our interaction with our children and one another – at meal times, sleep times, walks in nature – as well as in festival celebrations. Heckmann's book, Slow Parenting: Caring for Children with Intention, is a guide to help us discover richness in the daily life we already have by slowing down and allowing ourselves and our children room to breathe and grow. This could be called a handbook for slow growing.…

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