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  • 5:17 Highland Hall Farm Tour from our April 21 Event

    On April 21, Highland Hall hosted a Farm to Table dinner in honor of Earth Day.

    The food for the event was prepared using fresh ingredients from our own school gardan.

    Parents, visitors and children at the event were given a tour of the farm by Highland Hall's biodynamic gardner, Nitza Bernard. They viewed the garden beds, which the children tend in gardening class as part of the Waldorf curriculum. They also visited the brand new chicken coop (built by the third grade) and learned about our bee hives on campus.

    Children in grades 1-6 tend the farm as part of our Waldorf curriculum.

    We invite you to visit the farm in the meantime enjoy this video.

    To schedule a tour of Highland Hall, please call Lynn van Schilfgaarde at 818-349-1394 x 211 or email [email protected].

    Uploaded May 21, 2013

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