Highland Hall Waldorf School Home

Creative, Critical Thinkers

We teach students to be creative, critical thinkers with a strong moral compass who are open and resilient, and can turn challenges into possibilities. Visit us and see what a Highland Hall education can do for your child.

Recent News

Finger Crocheting in the Kindergarten

In a Waldorf Kindergarten, the children enjoy learning the art of finger crocheting. At this young age, finger crocheting teaches dexterity, hand-eye coordination, and patience while training both the right side and left side of the brain to work together. And, then there's the joy of accomplishing the project!
Finger Crocheting in the Kindergarten Featured Photo

Why We Teach Music in Elementary School

Through music we refine the capacity to connect. To harmonize. To resolve dissonance. To heal. To think. To feel. To mature. To make sound judgement. To vibrate. To tune. To move about the world with wholeness. To develop and hold onto that sense that the world is good.
Why We Teach Music in Elementary School Featured Photo

Strengthening Critical Thinking & Self Expression

At Highland Hall our high school curriculum fosters a love of learning, teaching students not what to think, but how to think. Hear about Highland Hall High School from our students by signing up for one of our school tours.
Strengthening Critical Thinking & Self Expression Featured Photo

School Assembly Eurythmy Performance

The last day of school, all classes presented a short poem, song or skit. Some of the songs were in Mandarin or Spanish, to show what they have been learning in class. The High School did a fantastic Eurythmy performance.
School Assembly Eurythmy Performance Featured Photo
