Twelfth Grade

Synthesizing and Finding Meaning
The twelfth grade curriculum offers students ways to explore their genuine interest in the world and an objective approach to the disparate concerns of our times. The twelfth grade students are better able to integrate their thinking skills with a developing sense of responsibility for their own actions. The rich Waldorf curriculum explores these themes as students build the skills and confidence necessary to successfully engage as adults in the world they will soon enter.
Required classes:
English: Faust, Dystopias, Transcendentalism, The Search for Meaning, Play Production
History: U.S. History Reconstruction to New Millennium, Modern Views of the Human Being and Society
Science & Technology: Biochemistry, Astronomy, 20th Century Physics, Zoology, Evolution
Mathematics: Calculus or Pre-Calculus, Business Math
Social Sciences: Government, Economics, Psychology
The Arts: Watercolor Painting, Portrait Painting, Drama, Stone Carving, Senior Play
Music: Orchestra, Chorus, Handbell Choir, Eurythmy
World Languages: German 4 or Spanish 4 and Mandarin
Electives include Computer Science, Java Programming, Adobe Animation, Forensic Science & Philosophy; these may vary year to year.
The twelfth grade student will:
  • Study enzyme systems and the chemistry of living cells
  • Trace the development of atomic theory to modern particle physics
  • Investigate the origins of the human being through fossils
  • Explore the questions of Transcendentalists: What are the tasks and aims of the present civilization? How can we develop a personal spirituality that enlivens culture?
  • Comprehend the context of symptomatology and the evolution of consciousness
  • Capture individuality in art through portrait painting
  • Compare and contrast animal phyla